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IT Consulting Services

Turn your technology into gold
IT Architecture Roadmap

Designing your world with the right technology

Cloud Migration

Helping you transition to the cloud

Security & Compliance

Ensuring your critical data is safe - always

Backup & Disaster Recovery

Protecting your data when disaster strikes

Creating your path to success

IT Architecture Roadmap

The world is constantly changing and innovating, and so is our technology. Organisations that don't keep up with the pace of technological advancements risk failing to stay relevant. Our IT architecture road mapping services help organisations stay ahead of the game and compete with the rest of the market.

IT Architecture Roadmap
Cloud platform
Move up in the world with the cloud

Cloud Migration

A lot of companies are currently exploring the idea of moving from on-premise infrastructure to the cloud. This includes migrating from their current infrastructure to a cloud platform. The move away from traditional server systems and data centres is driven by increased cost efficiency, scalability, and improved resource utilisation. One of the biggest challenges when migrating to the cloud, though, is finding a professional partner with experience in the area. This is where Steadfast Solutions comes in. We can help with pre-planning and planning, migration strategies, execution, and post-sales support.

Keeping your data safe and your business compliant

Security & Compliance

In the past few years, there has been an increased focus on the security and compliance of data in organisations. Data breaches and other attacks can be devastating to your reputation and your bottom line, so it’s crucial for you to have a plan in place to protect your critical data and keep your business compliant with all the necessary regulations. The team at Steadfast Solutions are well-versed on compliancy requirements across the board, and, with our years of experience in the field of cyber security, you can rest assured that we know exactly how to keep your data and business secure.

Security and Compliance
Backup and Disaster Recovery
Protecting your world, one file at a time

Backup & Disaster Recovery

Backup and disaster recovery services are often overlooked or forgotten, but they can be lifesaving in the event of a disaster. Imagine an earthquake that causes the company you’re working for to lose all its servers, or if some ransomware has encrypted every file on your computer. Without backups, you're out of work - and out of luck. This is where backup and disaster recovery consulting services from Steadfast Solutions come in. Our team of industry professionals will be able to set up and implement a comprehensive backup and disaster recovery strategy as well as provide you with 24/7 support every day of the year.

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