Business Take Customer Experience Beyond Digital Transformation

How Can Your Business Take Customer Experience Beyond Digital Transformation?

Working with Steadfast Solutions gives you the benefit of a partner invested in your business goals, specifically achieving a positive customer experience. Contact Steadfast Solutions today.  

“When Adobe conducted its Annual Digital Trends report, they asked B2B companies to state the single most exciting opportunity for 2020. The results? Customer experience (or CX) came in first (beating content marketing, video marketing and social!),” according to Adobe’s 2019 Digital Trends survey.

Many businesses have approached digital transformation from a purely technical aspect, forgetting that the whole point is improving customer experience, thus customer retention. There was a misguided focus on digital transformation as an endpoint. However, digital capability isn’t the only element in transforming the actual customer experience. Technology is only the enabler.

In some ways, technology stacks can get in the way of businesses looking for one source of data to draw customer insights from. With so much technology and data available, SaaS sprawl and a lack of accountability sometimes occur because there’s no one source of truth that everyone agrees on.

The most important thing for everyone to remember is that the focus needs to be on the customer experience.

What is Customer Experience (CX)?

So, what is customer experience? CX is the impression the customer has after dealing with your organization. This often determines what they think of your brand and involves every stage of their journey on different devices, on premise-purchases, online interactions and social media tidbits.

Customer experience is key to sustaining growth through referrals and repeat business. It’s crucial to ensure positive customer experience across all the touchpoints with your brand to build affinity and loyalty. If you want your customers to tell their friends about your products and services and leave positive reviews, concentrate on the impression you’re making on a transaction-by-transaction basis, as well as holistically with individual clients.

Managing customer experience includes surveying and analyzing responses based on customer interaction with your brand. Investing in the software to make this easier nets your company valuable information and allows you to improve the customer experience. More importantly, bringing more value to customers builds a strong relationship and long-term brand loyalty.

Steadfast Solutions can help your Melbourne business find the right software to manage CX and ensure that your digital transformation efforts focus on how changes impact customers and boost sales.

How Can You Use Digital Transformation to Improve CX?

One way of improving how digital services impact the customer experience is to shift the focus to service transformation. This lets business leaders prioritize customer outcomes, rather than the technology used to achieve them. Service transformation assesses every element of the customer experience. It includes IT infrastructure, security, network, communications and applications.

How Can a Reliable MSP Help?

Optimising your technology requires time and strategy as well as a proven partner who can help you tailor your IT infrastructure to your company and customer needs. When you’re vetting out managed IT service providers, make sure you get one with the expertise and access to talent you need to deliver a superior customer experience.

Steadfast Solutions provides comprehensive IT managed services, including:

  • IT Managed Services
  • Comprehensive IT Security
  • Managed Backups

Working with Steadfast Solutions gives you the benefit of a partner invested in your business goals, specifically achieving a positive customer experience. we can also help streamline your IT systems, cutting costs and increasing efficiency. Let our technicians take care of the administrative and monitoring needs of your network so that you can concentrate on improving the experience of the customer and employees under your purview.

Contact Steadfast Solutions to learn more about how our services can help revamp your IT infrastructure and customer-facing applications.