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Australian IT Firm

Australian IT Firm Taking Fresh Approach to Cyber-Security Concerns for Business Pros!

With Safer Internet Day falling on February 9th, Steadfast Solutions is offering business owners a sigh of relief

Internet SecurityWith cyber crime rates on the rise, business professionals in every industry are always looking for the right ways to stay protected. It seems a new headline is released every week that details the debilitating hacks and attacks that business owners across the country have experienced. 2016 saw many institutions attacked including everything from restaurant chains having customer payment details exposed to high-level government bodies having their systems infiltrated.

There is absolutely no doubt that the evolving technology landscape and the accompanying cyber-threats are changing the way institutions operate. Cyber-security is no longer an afterthought – organizations now know that staying informed and being proactive is the only reliable defense. However, with the constant talk of threats, the shocking headlines and the continual reminders to make sure data is safe, business owners can quickly become overwhelmed. Business owners are busy and focused on driving growth and profitability – when it comes to ensuring internet safety, they need simple and reliable solutions that are easy to implement and monitor.

Annually, since 2012, Safer Internet Day falls on February 9th and serves as a reminder for business professionals to staying informed and secure online. Ever since its inception, the team of IT professionals at Steadfast Solutions uses Safer Internet Day as a chance to remind business owners that staying cyber-secure doesn’t have to be as intimidating as it sounds. When professionals see cybersecurity horror stories in the news, the burning questions begin: what if that happens to us? Is our data protected? Are we prepared to bounce back quickly if something did happen? The overwhelming doom and gloom can leave business owners unsure of where to start. But Steadfast Solutions is determined to change the conversation.

“At Steadfast Solutions, we have an underlying mission to empower business owners using technology.” Steadfast Solutions, General Manager, Craig Jacotine says. “Safer Internet Day is a chance for us to fulfill that mission every year. Technology should always be a tool to drive business growth and should never be a window through which business can be hindered. Businesses can be attacked in so many ways, and we’ve seen it all. But there is one thing we believe in strongly: there is no way to keep a business down if they’re prepared. We’re committed to working with businesses of all kinds to assess and secure their technology landscape, and custom-build disaster recovery plans that allow for quick and seamless comebacks.

If you’d like to connect your business-minded audience with more information about how Steadfast Solutions is changing the cyber-security conversation for this year’s Safer Internet Day, and please don’t hesitate to contact General Manager, Craig Jacotine to arrange an interview.

Craig Jacotine, General Manager – Steadfast Solutions
1300 739 335 – Craig.Jacotine@steadfastsolutions.com.au


Steadfast Solutions provides strategic advice, support, and solutions for small to medium-sized enterprises. Through proactive and preventative measures, we maximise the uptime of business owner’s IT infrastructures to keep the business running efficiently. By striving to deliver a service that focuses on the following core priorities, Steadfast Solutions provides business owners with an unparalleled IT experience.